Monday, November 9, 2009
Recife, Brazil, Then Home Sweet Home!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Pictures and Updates
Grandma and Grandpa Thomas, Konner and Masen

My boys

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I havent done a post in a long while, mostly because my computer wont read my memory stick so I cant update any of my many many pictures. Which bothers me. So, I will update them when I can figure out what's up. We have had a fun busy summer. The boys are growing up and I cant believe my baby is 19 months old! They play so good together and also wrestle and make each other laugh and cry. Konner just slugs Masen right in the face now and I love that he is fighting back. Konner seriously doesnt utter a single word except "MOM" and its super annoying (like a goat). Not a single word. Its ridiculous. He knows exactly what's being said and nods when he needs something but not a word. Masen is playing his first season of soccer (which Tyler says isnt a real sport) he had a really good first 2 weeks making goals and all sorts of things and now he is sort of frolicking around the field. Its making me crazy! No aggressiveness at all, he's almost sashaying around. I could scream. Preschool is in and Masen is doing really good. He is almost back to what he was last year when school ended. (so we took a few steps backward over the summer, no big) Tyler has season tickets to the Utes and Jazz. And also spends alot of time hunting and talking about fantasy football. So its hard to pay attention when he talks right now. I cant wait to see him around springtime. I'm just doing dodgeball and young women stuff. Oh, I failed to mention Ty and I signed up for a half marathon in Moab which will take place this Sunday the 18th. (It will ruin my life is what I meant to say.) I hate running period. I really hoped to catch some sort of running "bug" and love it . Except I want to cry when I think about running for 13 miles. Mostly because I know I wont even run half because I'm superfit. And again, Tyler will run without training as always and succeed. While I fail miserably again, and still look like a T-rex racing to the finish. I cant wait. My goal is to throw down a 5 hour energy drink and run like the wind and pray to not get scooped up on that bus that will drive through about 3 hours later picking up the stragglers. BOO! In other news, Blake and Tracie got married in September and it was such a great day! Everything about it was beautiful! We are so happy for them, they are so great together! And last but not least, my lil bro Trent is coming home from Brazil on November 19, YAY! What a great day it will be to have him home so he can meet both Tracie and Konner! We cant wait! We are counting down the days! (And does anyone know where I can pick up a nasty strain of swine flu before Sunday?)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I better be skinny in the morning...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Pictures of the boys

Helpin' my daddy